Going Live in 2 hours!

Masterclass - The Confidence To Show Up

Hi everyone! We are going live in 2 hours!!

I am so excited to go through this journey with you. It is so important for me to share this message with the world because…

You did not come here to secretly create things and hide. You came here to heal the world. You need to believe this in your bones that by sharing your work or selling your services, YOU Are doing a favour to the world. By refusing to sell, you are doing a disservice to your people. Imagine all of your heroes, if they decided to hide away their gifts, we would not have had all the many inspirations that led us to be who we are today.

So it’s time to stand up and take space. Be the representation that you want to see in the world.

This masterclass will help you deal with the fear and give you a special tool to work with every time you need to show up to something big.

Here is the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 818 2064 6785

Passcode: 0fWvw6

Time: 1PM EST

Can’t wait to have you!
