Masterclass is tomorrow! The Confidence To Show Up!

Hey love, I want to remind you that the free masterclass on the Confidence to Show Up is tomorrow March 16th at 1PM EST.

I will be creating an experience for you to dive deep into your soul and equipping yourself with the tools that will empower you in moments of deep doubt and fear.

You see I know you have a nudge within you. I know there is something you can’t stop thinking about. Whether it’s a new career or a new artistic experience, the inspiration is there. But why does it feel so heavy to move?

Well, your mind needs a little bit of decluttering…and a whole lot of trust! Confidence is a result of you taking action DESPITE the fear. Every time you do something you said you would do, you become one level more confident! It’s because you gain your own trust, so that every time you make a promise, you will deliver. Keep doing this and you will be an unstoppable force of nature!

Other than the mind and heart rationale, I will introduce you to some somatic exercises that will reduce the nerves as you approach a deadline. These tools have helped me show up to gigs, interviews, livestreams and client sessions time after time! It’s about time I revealed my secrets!

I will send you a reminder tomorrow before the event. The replay will be emailed to everyone as well! OMG I AM STOKED!

Can’t wait to have you!!

